Springfield – Branson National Airport, MO
Global Entry Interview Appointments Tips
These tips will help you find an appointment for Global Entry at locations through out the United States and overseas.
Looking for others Enrollment Centers? You find more TTP enrollment centers here.
Right now there may be a few Global Entry appointments available. You can try to secure them on your own at the Trusted Traveler Website.
Last Updated: 5 minutes
Springfield, MO
Directions: The Global Entry Enrollment Center is located in the Springfield – Branson National Airport located in Springfield, MO. The Enrollment Center is located in the main terminal near the American Airlines ticket counter in the southeast corner of the terminal. Please do not go to the CBP Port Office!! There will be no walk-in appointments available for this enrollment center.
Notes: You must be in possession of a valid passport at the time of your interview or your interview will be cancelled.