Houlton POE/Woodstock
Global Entry Interview Appointments Tips
These tips will help you find an appointment for Global Entry at locations through out the United States and overseas.
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Last Updated: 5 minutes
Houlton, ME
Directions: The Enrollment Center is located at the Houlton, Maine Port of Entry, at the end of the Interstate 95 highway. If coming from Canada, please tell the Primary Officer that you are there for a Trusted Traveler interview and you will be directed to the Enrollment Center. If you are coming from the United States, please enter the parking lot on the left just prior to the Port of Entry. Follow signs to the lobby of the main building and tell the officer inside that you are there for a Trusted Traveler interview. You will be directed to the Enrollment Center.
Notes: Enrollment Center conducts NEXUS, FAST and GLOBAL interviews. The Enrollment Center schedule is set in Atlantic Time Zone. United States residents add one hour to your current time when scheduling an appointment. All applicants are required to bring proof of citizenship, birth certificates, passports if applicable, and verification of permanent physical address and mailing address to their appointment. GLOBAL applicants need to bring a valid Passport.