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Calexico Enrollment Center

Global Entry Interview Appointments Tips

These tips will help you find an appointment for Global Entry at locations through out the United States and overseas.

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There are no Global Entry appointments available for over 1 year! You can use TTP Appointments to find the last minute cancellations to secure your interview today. Get started.

Last Updated: 5 minutes

Step 1: Create a Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) account
The first step is to create a Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) account at the Trusted Traveler Website
Step 2: Log in to your TTP account and complete the application
The second step is to complete your application for Global Entry on the Trusted Traveler website. Once approved you will then be ready to book your interview appointment.
Step 3: Schedule an interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center
After accepting your completed application, CBP will conduct a review. If your application is conditionally approved, your TTP account will instruct you to schedule an interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center. Each applicant must schedule a separate interview.
Step 4: Find an earlier appointment or snag last minute cancellations at enrollment centers booked for 1 year
Often Calexico Enrollment Center will have "No appointments Available" on the Trusted Travel program website, or you will find appointment interviews that are months out. With we automatically find last-minute cancellations and new appointment interview openings for you and alert you by text and email. While everyone else is struggling to find an appointment, you will be able to get alerts sometimes daily on new appointment availability.
Calexico Enrollment Center
1699 East Carr Road

Calexico, CA

Directions: From San Diego take I-8 East to CA-7 South to the Port of Entry. Exit on Carr Rd (International Border/Cars) then turn right at top of the bridge. Turn left at before the last U.S. exit and proceed to the security booth. From Yuma take I-8 West to CA-7 South to the Port of Entry. Exit on Carr Rd (International Border/Cars) then turn right at top of the bridge. Turn left before the last U.S. exit and proceed to the security booth. Do not use Goggle maps, doing so may get you lost or take you into Mexico.

Notes: PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING WITH YOU:• Proof of income (pay-stubs, bank deposits, and income tax).• Proof of residency (mortgage statements, rental agreement, and utility bills).• Driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.• Marriage certificate, birth certificate.• School records or classes.• Machine-readable entry document such as US passport, Resident Alien Card, any other foreign passport and visa required for entry. Original documents only, No copies will be accepted. • A notarized authorization letter to enroll vehicle belonging to company or another person (if applicable). • If you have ever been arrested, please bring court documents verifying the disposition of the arrest (s), regardless of the date of the arrest and the outcome.HAVE ALL PERTAINABLE DOCUMENTS READY ON HAND, NOT DOING SO CAN CAUSE FOR YOUR APPLICATION TO BE DENIED OR FOR YOU TO BE RESCHEDULED. WE APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER.**FAVOR ASEGÚRESE DE TRAER CONSIGO:• Comprobante de ingresos (talones de pago, depósitos bancarios e impuesto sobre la renta).• Prueba de residencia (estados de cuenta de hipoteca, contrato de alquiler y facturas de servicios públicos).• Licencia de conducir, registro del vehículo y comprobante de seguro.• Certificado de matrimonio, certificado de nacimiento.• Registros escolares o clases.• Documento de entrada legible por máquina, como pasaporte estadounidense, tarjeta de extranjero residente, cualquier otro pasaporte extranjero y visa requerida para ingresar. Solo documentos originales, no se aceptarán copias. • Una carta de autorización notariada para inscribir el vehículo perteneciente a la empresa u otra persona (si corresponde).• Si alguna vez ha sido arrestado, traiga documentos judiciales que verifiquen la disposición del arresto (s), independientemente de la fecha del arresto y el resultado.TENGA LOS DOCUMENTOS PERTINENTES A LA MANO, NO HACERLO PUEDE CAUSAR QUE SU SOLICITUD SEA DENEGADA O SU CITA REPROGRAMADA.

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