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Get the Most Out of Your Global Entry: 5 Insider Tips

If you're a frequent international traveler, Global Entry can be a real game-changer when it comes to saving time and hassle going through customs.

However, to make the most of your Global Entry experience, it's important to know a few tips and tricks that can help you get through the process as smoothly as possible. In this blog post, we'll cover the top 5 tips for Global Entry to help you make the most of this trusted traveler program.

Prepare for your interview

The Global Entry application process includes an in-person interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center. To prepare for your interview, make sure you bring all the required documents, including your passport, driver's license, and proof of residency. You should also be ready to answer questions about your travel history, criminal background, and any other relevant information.

Keep your information up-to-date

Once you're approved for Global Entry, it's important to keep your information up-to-date. If you move, change your passport or other identification, or experience any other relevant changes, you should update your Global Entry account as soon as possible. This can help prevent delays and ensure that your Global Entry status remains valid.

Use the Global Entry kiosks correctly

When using the Global Entry kiosks, it's important to follow the instructions carefully. Make sure you have your passport and Global Entry ID card ready, and follow the prompts on the screen. You should also make sure that your fingerprints are clean and dry, as this can help ensure that the scanner can read them correctly.

Be honest and forthcoming

When going through customs, it's important to be honest and forthcoming with the customs officer. Even if you have Global Entry, you may still be selected for a secondary inspection or have your bags searched. If this happens, be patient and cooperate with the customs officer. Answer their questions truthfully and provide any information they request.

Understand your TSA PreCheck benefits

In addition to expedited customs processing, Global Entry also includes TSA PreCheck benefits. This allows you to use dedicated security lanes at participating airports, which can help you save even more time. To take advantage of this benefit, make sure you add your Global Entry ID number to your airline reservations.

Overall, Global Entry is a great option for frequent international travelers looking to save time and hassle going through customs. By following these top 5 tips, you can make the most of your Global Entry status and ensure a smoother travel experience.


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